Friday, December 14, 2012

The stockings were hung... the chimney with care
so one little elf
could hide himself there
The little girl searched
for Elfie the elf
And giggled when she found him
in spite of herself
Next came the boy
and he started exploring
and smiled when he found Elfie
thinking his spot a bit boring
This funny little elf
some how manages each day
to make the kids smile
and help them obey.

Peek a boo

Peek a boo
oh where can you be?
A cute little elf
is peeking at me!
 Can you see me?
I can not see you
If I close my eyes
will you close your eyes too?
Tell me little elf
are you near, are you far?
are you under the tree
are you up by the star?
 Peek a boo Elfie
who's that that I see?
It's my cute little elf
just smiling at me!