Monday, December 24, 2012

21 days of Elfie!

Well, the time is near. Today is Elfie's last day to spend with us. It is very bittersweet. The kids are so excited for Christmas morning, but are sad that Elfie will be leaving back to the North Pole tonight with Santa until next year. They love having their little elf around. Elfie was with us for 21 days this year!

This morning Kendyl found Elfie immediately. I barely had enough time to get my camera ready!
Ashton was right behind Kendyl so when she pointed Elfie out, he saw him right away.
The kids like this hiding spot because they think Elfie can see us all really well. You'd think that'd be a bad thing to a kid the day before Christmas, lol.

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

The kids found Elfie under Daddy's little Christmas tree rockin' a pair of earbuds and listening to Christmas music on Mommy's iTouch.

It took both of the kids a little while to find him because they were expecting him to either be in the living room or kitchen. Kendyl almost gave up and thought that he hadn't returned that day. She thought she may have accidentally touched his hat or something the day before but couldn't remember doing that. Ashton found Elfie first and wasn't quiet about it which made it easy for Kendyl to spot him then. They were both excited to turn on the iTouch to see what Elfie was listening to. Big surprise! It was Christmas music!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Up on a treetop...

...Elfie's paused
downstairs the kids come
with a cause

To look for Elfie
and all the joy
that each elf brings
to every girl and boy

Ha Ha Ha
there he is!
Ha Ha Ha
how funny is this!

Oh up on the treetop
Tee Hee Hee
a giggle escapes from 
you and me!

Flying marshmallows

There has been a report of flying marshmallows!  Several people have reported that there is a marshmallow fight going on between a group of toys. There appears to be three Skylanders, 2 Strawberry Shortcake dolls and one Christmas Elf on the Shelf involved. None of them have been identified yet. All of them are to be considered armed and dangerous and everyone is warned to stay clear.

One small female civilian has stepped forward and identified each of toys involved in the marshmallow fight. She doesn't seem to think that there is any danger and actually finds the situation quite amusing.

A second civilian, a boy, has also come forward and identified the culprits. He even claims that the Skylander toys are his. Although he finds the situation amusing as well, he doesn't seem too happy that his Skylanders have been involved in this shenanigan. He apparently thought that they were more responsible than that and is highly disappointed in them. I'm sure they will have a stern talking to later.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Candy, candy everywhere!

Elfie made a mess this morning! It looks like he got into the M&M's candy jar, spilled the candy and went and hid behind a recipe so he could eat them, lol!

 Again, lil' miss Kendyl found Elfie right away. That girl must have a sixth elf sense or something! She usually goes straight into the living room to start her search for Elfie, but nope, this morning she walked directly through the kitchen. Of course she saw the M&M mess right away and she followed the trail til she saw Elfie hiding there. She definitely thought Elfie was sneaking the candy.

Ashton noticed the candy mess right away, but didn't see Elfie at first. When he saw him, he thought Elfie was reading a recipe upside down instead of stealing the candy. When Kendyl argued her point with him, he argued back saying that there was no candy in Elfie's hand. Very observant these children are.

Being inconspicuous...

...or so he thought.

Elfie was found quite quickly yesterday (wow I really got behind in posting these!) morning by Kendyl. He was hiding inside of a snowman tealight holder. Maybe it was his bright red hat sticking out?

 It didn't take Ashton long to find Elfie, either. I think Elfie needs to start finding better hiding spots!

That evening the kids went Christmas caroling with Ashton's Cub Scout Pack at an assisted living home. The seniors absolutely loved seeing the boys up there in their uniforms. They looked so cute!

Keeping a low profile

Well, after Elfie was taught his lesson from Mr. Snowman, it appeared that he was keeping a low profile the next day. He was sitting curled up in our wreath. (Yes, I know the wreath doesn't match with the rest of our decor. I'm planning on changing it, I swear! We used to decorate in all blue and silver and it looked great with that, lol!)

 It didn't take Kendyl long to find Elfie this time, either.
She just loves Elfie and will sit and look at him for awhile each morning until I get on her to hurry up and eat her breakfast and get dressed!

Ashton took a little longer to find Elfie, but Kendyl loves to give him hints where Elfie is at which makes it much faster.